1.Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize for physics. Which path breaking invention led to this honour?
2. Which language unknown to the external world so far was discovered by ‘Enduring Voices’ of National Geographic channel?
3. Who won the Nobel Prize for literature this year to become the first Latin American to win the former after 1990?
4. The Forbes magazine conducted a survey to find out the list of influential women in the world. According to them, the most influential lady of this year is………….?
5. The BASIC group of large developing nations is striving hard to win the crucial support of AOSIS on the climate change debate. What does AOSIS stand for?
6. Who won this year’s ‘Finance Minister of the year for Asia ’ award given by ‘Emerging Markets’, the daily newspaper of record for the world bank and IMF?
7. A new collection of Nelson Mandela’s private papers that reveals his agony and pang at missing his family while in prison and his wariness at being idolized has been published. Name the book.
8. The prayers from every nook and corner of the world converged into the San Jose mine and eventually the world rejoiced on the escape of all miners who were entrapped in the Chilean mine. The 71 cm diameter escape shaft was completed from a tent city. What is the name of that place?
9. Which country would carry out a landmark field trial by releasing GM (genetically modified) mosquitoes designed to combat dengue fever by the end of the year?
10. People of which country held ceremonies to cap its capital _______ ‘s millennium celebrations? King Ly Thai moved the capital to _________ in 1010 A.D and called it Thang Long (‘Soaring Dragon’), symbolysing the desire for independence after a millennium of Chinese domination?